サイトアイコン コーチング付きオンライン英会話

接続詞と前置詞 逆説を表す (Although, Even though, Despite)




接続詞と前置詞 逆説を表す (Although, Even though, Despite)


二つの文が対照的な意味を持つ場合、Although, though, even though, but…still, but…anyway, nevertheless, however, despite, in spite of と様々な接続詞と前置詞を使う事が可能です。


Even though, Although, Though

[Even though + 文+ 文], [Although + 文+ 文], [Though + 文+ 文]の三つは同じ意味なので入れ替え可能です。


Even though he was a smaller fighter, he knocked out the bigger fighter.



Although he was a smaller fighter, he knocked out the bigger fighter.



Though he was a smaller fighter, he knocked out the bigger fighter.


But…. anyway, But still

 Even though, Although, Thoughと同じように予測に反する結果を表す為に用います。

The fighter was injured but he won the fight anyway.



The fighter was injured but he still won the fight. 


Nevertheless, However


He was injured.  Nevertheless, he won the fight.


He was injured.  However, he won the fight. 


Despite, In spite of


Despite the disadvantage, he won the fight.



In spite of the disadvantage, he won the fight. 




Practice 1


The restaurant has a good reputation.  The dishes tasted bad. 

1. Even though

2. But ….. anyway

3. Nevertheless

4. Despite


I had a cold.  I went to work.

1. Although

2. But….still

3. However

4. In spite of




1. Even though the restaurant had a good reputation, the dishes tasted bad.

2. The restaurant had a good reputation, but the dishes tasted bad anyway. 

3. The restaurant had a good reputation.  Nevertheless, the dishes tasted bad.

4. Despite the good reputation, the dishes tasted bad. 


1. Although I had a cold, I went to work. 

2. I had a cold, but I went to work anyway. 

3. I had a cold.  However, I went to work. 

4. In spite of my cold, I went to work. 



1. 彼が小さい格闘家にも関わらず、彼は大きな格闘家を倒した。(Use: Even though, Although, Though)

2. 格闘家は怪我していたにも関わらず、彼は試合に勝った。(Use: but… anyway)

3. 格闘家は怪我していたにも関わらず、彼は試合に勝った。(Use: but…still)

4. 格闘家は怪我していたにも関わらず、彼は試合に勝った。(Use: Nevertheless, However)

5. 不利にも関わらず彼は試合に勝った。(Use: In spite of, Despite)

6. 彼女は大盛りラーメンを食べたけど、お腹が空いていた。(Use: Even though, Although, though)



1. (Even though / Although / Though) he was a smaller fighter, he knocked out the bigger fighter.

2. The fighter was injured but he won the fight anyway.

3. The fighter was injured but he still won the fight. 

4. He was injured.  (Nevertheless / However) he won the fight.

5. (In spite of /Despite) the disadvantage, he won the fight.

6. (Even though / Although / Though) she ate an extra big Ramen, she was still hungry. 
