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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する! 初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第7回: 7月31日 ~ 8月4日、2017)






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Monday, July 31st

Yesterday, I had lunch at a restaurant near my house.  It was my first time to eat there so I didn’t know what it was like.  It was a Chinese restaurant and it looked pretty shabby.  Anyway, I went in and there weren’t many customers there.  I was a bit worried and I was even more shocked when I looked at the menu.  The lunch special was ¥680!  I could not believe it.  I asked the waitress if the lunch was really ¥680.  She said, “uh-huh”.  I ordered Ramen and fried rice combo.  When I got it, I was surprised by the size.  Since I own a business, sometimes I think about the profit a shop or restaurant is making.  This place didn’t make sense!  Anyway, the food tasted ok.  It was a little bit salty but you can’t complain for ¥680.  I think I’ll go there again.  

What’s it like? 「どんな感じ?」

What’s the restaurant like? ( レストランはどんな感じ?)

shabby 「ぼろぼろの」

The restaurant was kind of shabby. (レストランはぼろぼろだった。)

make a profit 「利益を出す」

The company made a lot of profit. (会社は利益をたくさん出した。)

doesn’t make sense 「意味不明、理解不能」

What he said doesn’t make sense. (彼が言ったことは理解不能だ。)


Tuesday, August 1st

I sometimes listen to music to take my mind off things.  I don’t particularly like one kind of music.  I listen to all kinds.  The artist I like now is Ed Sheehan.  He became popular pretty recently.  He’s still 26 years old but he has so much talent.  Many of his songs are big hits.  I particularly like two of his songs.  One is “Thinking Out Loud” and the other is “Shape Of You”.  They are both really fabulous songs.  

Speaking of artists, two students happened to go to the same concert.  The artist’s name is Koji Tamaki.  It seems like he’s a really good singer.  I would like to check him out.  


take my mind off 「気晴らしをする」

I go bowling to take mind off.  (気晴らしにボーリングをします。)

happened to 「たまたま ~する」 

They happened to go to the same concert.   (彼らはたまたま同じコンサートに言った。)

It seems like…..「〜のようだね」

It seems like he’s a really good singer.  (彼はとてもいい歌手のようだ。)


Wednesday, August 2nd

Since I didn’t have Master class on Wednesday, I went out for dinner with my girlfriend.  She wanted to eat Akakara nabe.  There’s one in our neighborhood so we walked there.  We ordered some grilled chicken and nabe.  At that time, I made a mistake when I ordered.  The menu said 1 serving of nabe is ¥900 and next to it, there were the toppings of veggie and meat.  I thought the 1 serving of nabe is without any veggie or meat and it’s just the soup.  That’s why, I tried to order 2 servings of topping of veggie and meat.  My GF said, that’s too much.  I told her I’m hungry.  She said to just order 1 serving of topping.  I thought there wouldn’t be enough food, but oh well.  When the food came I understood my mistake. There are already 2 servings in the Nabe!  I ordered one more extra serving.  I told her I made a mistake.  I ended up eating 2 servings.  

After I ate all that food, I decided to go for a walk.  I needed to burn off the calories!  I went to Meijo park and I walked around for one hour.  Now I know one serving of nabe includes everything!

serving  「一人前」

The menu said one serving of nabe is ¥900 (メニューには一人前は¥900と書いてあった) *saidは書いてあるという意味で使われる。

oh well 「まぁ、いいっか」

Oh well, I’ll just share one serving with her.  (まぁ、いいっか。一人前を彼女と半分こすれば)

Friday, August 4th

My student gave me a peach.  This peach was made by her cousin who owns a peach farm in Kasugai.  She often mentions the story of her cousin and his peach farm.  I was looking forward to eating the peach that he made.  She gave me the peach on Thursday but she told me not to eat it right away because it was not ripe yet.  On Friday, after I finished class the peach was smelling really sweet so I decided to eat it.  The skin of the peach peeled off pretty easily and I just bit into it.  It was the sweetest peach I’ve eaten.  I made a mess eating it because it was so juicy but it was simply delicious!  I love eating all kinds of fruits but peach became my favorite.  I hope I can get it again next year.   

Speaking of peaches, did you know that there’s a phrase, “Just peachy“.  It’s used like this,  “Hey, how are you?”  “Just peachy”.  It means “Just great”.  Why don’t you try using it next time.

mention 「〜を口にする」

She offend mentions the story of her cousin’s peach farm. (彼女はよく従兄弟の桃農園の話を口にする。)

ripe 「熟す」

This peach is not ripe yet. (この桃はまだ熟していない。)

peel 「~の皮をむく」

I peeled the peach (桃の皮をむいた。)

bite into 「かぶりつく」

I bit into the peach. (桃にかぶりついた。)

make a mess 「汚す」

I made a mess eating the peach. (桃を食べて汚した。)

just peachy 「絶好調だよ」

I’m just peachy 「私は絶好調だよ。」


