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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する! 初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第14: 9月25日〜10月1日)






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Monday, September 25th   “What I was looking for”

A friend of mine recommend me a great Bento delivery service called Anshin Bento.  It is what I was always looking for!  I have always worried about what I ate for lunch.  I only have 50 minutes so I can only go to places that I can walk in 5 minutes.  Therefore, I’m limited in my choices.  The food that I eat is usually unhealthy.  It’s greasy and it probably has a lot of food chemicals.  I always wished a healthy restaurant would open near my school.  

Now, I don’t have to worry because a friend recommended me a delivery Bento service.  The Bento is all chemical free.  This company promises not to use any chemicals in their food so it’s really healthy.  Also, it tastes light, not heavy.  I already ordered 15 bentos.  This will last me 3 weeks!  What’s also great is it will be cheaper than eating out.  One dish is about ¥600 yen!  I can’t wait to get it!!


What I was always looking for 「ずっと探していた物」

It’s what I was looking for! (これがずっと探していた物だ!)

can only 「~しかできない」

I can only go to places that I can walk in 5 min. (5分で歩けるところしか行けない。)

food chemicals 「添加物、防腐剤」

It’s greasy and it has a lot of food chemicals.  (脂っこいし、添加物や防腐剤がたくさん入っている。)

What’s also great is…. 「他に何が素晴らしいかというと、、」

What’s also great is it’ll be cheaper than eating out.  (他に何が素晴らしいかというと、外食するより安くなる。)


Tuesday, September 26   “The 80/20 Rule”

Today, I spent most of the day organizing my book shelf.  It was overflowing with books so I put them in a cardboard box to throw away or sell it at a used book store.  Most of the books that I have are related to teaching English.  I probably had about 200 books but I’m going to get rid of half of it.  I could probably get rid of more books if I spent more time.  

Have you ever heard of 80/20 rule?  It’s also called Pareto principle.  Well, the rule says that 20% is really important and the other 80% is not that important.  You can apply this to anything.  Take a look at your closet, we probably wear 20% of the clothes most often and 80% ,we hardly wear.  We have many friends our Facebook or Line but we only contact 20% of those people.  

Therefore, if I have 200 books,  the books that are really important to me are only 40 books!!!  Why did I buy 200 books!!  I wasted a lot of money.  Oh well, that’s life. 

overflowing 「あふれかえる」

It was overflowing with books. (本であふれかえる)

get rid of 「処分する」

I’m going to get rid of half of it. (半分を処分する。)

apply 「応用」

You can apply this to anything.  (これを何にでも応用ができる。)

wasted 「無駄になる」

I wasted a lot of money.  (お金を無駄にした。)

oh well 「まあいっかあ」

Oh well, that’s life.  (まあいっかあ、それが人生だもん。)


Thursday, September 28th   “Going out with friends”

Once a month, I go out with my friend Miwa.  He’s a successful business man and he is also helping me with my website.  He reserved a restaurant where we can eat Motsunabe.   The nabe was amazing!  It was all you can eat and drink.  The restaurant is in Fushimi near the Kabuki theater.  It’s called Shusenchisou Hekitei .

You can eat a lot there!  If you like Nabe, I definitely recommend it.  The owner and chef was also a funny guy.  He came to talk to us and told us interesting stories.  What’s amazing was that it was only around ¥3000 per person.  I thought it was too cheap.  It’s a nice place to go with a lot of people because you eat the food out of a very big Nabe.  It’s Nabe season so I’ll definitely be going there again!!

all you can eat and drink (食べ放題、飲み放題)


Sunday, October 1st  “My Bento arrived”

Today, in the morning, my Bento arrived from the company called Anshin Bento.  There are 5 different types of Bento for the 5 weekdays.  I have always been eating greasy food for the last 6 years.  From tomorrow, I’ll be eating this chemical free Bento.  It’s healthy and it’s convenient.  I just hope I don’t get tired of eating it.  

I was worried about one thing; the taste.  However, I tried it today and it was not bad at all.  I thought the food will taste much lighter but it had enough taste so I enjoyed it.  Also the amount is enough for me.  It’ll help me keep my current weight.   I ate Saba today.  I hardly have a chance to eat fish so it was good for me.  On the weekend, I’ll enjoy eating out more.  

had enough taste 「十分な味付け」

The bento had enough taste.  (弁当には十分な味付けがされていた。)

The amount is enough  (量も十分でした。)

keep my current weight 「今の体重を維持ができる」

It’ll help me keep my current weight. (お弁当は現在の体重を維持するのにいい。)

have a chance to 「機会がある」

I hardly have a chance to eat fish. (魚を食べる機会が滅多にない。)
