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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第24回:12月4日 ~ 10日)






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Monday, December 4th   “Nice Christmas Presents”

We are nearing Christmas and I have received some really nice things from my students.   One is a Christmas cake that one of our students made.  She baked it herself she gave me the whole cake.  Actually, she gives me one every year.  I really appreciate it.  My challenge is to eat this whole cake somehow.  Last year, I managed to eat it by myself.  When I ate lunch and dinner at school, I ate two pieces a day, and I was able to complete it on the 5th day.  I’ll try to eat it all by Friday this week.  I’ll need to run all week to burn off the calories of the whole cake.  

The second thing that I got was a Christmas plant called Poinsettia.  This is also a present we get every year from one of our students.  This Poinsettia is really unique.  It has two layers of red leaves.  It’s pretty amazing.  Everyone’s wondering how it can have leaves at the top and leaves at the bottom.  It’s a big mystery!!!!

The third present is a decoration of a tree.  We had a tree, but we didn’t have any decoration on it at first.  It looked terrible!!!  I guess one of our students felt sorry for the tree and put the decoration on it.  Now it looks pretty.   Thank you for giving us the decoration.

Before                                                 After



Wednesday, November 6th  “Star Wars”

Are you a Star Wars fan?  I hope so because a really good star wars movie will come out soon.  I can’t wait to see it!!!  I have been a Star Wars fan since I was in kindergarten.  A long time ago, I remember my mother took me to see Star Wars, and on that day I didn’t have to go to kindergarten.  I think she understood how important Star Wars was.  For many people, my age and older Star Wars is like a religion.  We worship it.  

To understand Star Wars, you have to understand The Force.  The Force is a special power that a few selected people have.  You are either born with it or not.  These people who have this power can use it to help others or to use it only to benefit themselves.  The people who use The Force to help others are called Jedi, and the ones who use it to benefit only themselves are called Sith.   They fight with a lightsaber, which looks like a Katana sword.  The fight scenes are so awesome.  I feel like I’m going to faint every time I see it. 

The Jedi and the Sith have been fighting for many many years, but in 2018 it might end.  In the movie trailer, they say that “It’s time for the Jedi to end!”  What does that mean!!!!!!! I need to find out!!!!  It’s keeping me in suspense.  I can’t sleep at night.  

worship 「崇拝」

Star Wars is like a religion. We worship it.  (スターウォーズは宗教のようだ。我々は崇拝をしている。)

benefit 「得をする」

The Sith use the force to only benefit themselves.  (シスはフォースを私利私欲のために使う。)

faint 「気絶」

I feel like I’m going to faint every time.  (毎回気絶しそうになる。)

keep me in suspense 「気をもませる」

It’s keeping me in suspense.   気が揉める、ハラハラする。


Thursday, December 8th  “Best pillow ever”

I’ve been looking for a pillow that’s right for me.   I’ve bought 3 pillows so far.  All of them were above 3000 yen so I’ve spent more than 10,000 yen on pillows.  However, I can’t seem to find the perfect one for me.  There’s one pillow that every time I use it I have strange dreams.  I used it last week again and I had a really strange dream.  I dreamt about Wonder Woman.  I really like her.  She’s kind of my fantasy lady.  Strangely, in my dream, she was teaching English!  My fantasy and reality were all mixed together in this dream.  I have a mixed feeling about that dream.  

3 weeks ago, I went to Kyoto and slept over at my sister’s house.  Later, I realized that the pillow I slept on was the best pillow I’ve used.   I asked my sister where she got the pillow.   She said, “Nitori, 462 yen!”  I again had a mixed feeling.  I spent a lot of money on pillows but the best one was only 462 yen.  I wish I could have found Nitori pillow sooner.   This week I’ll go buy the Nitori pillow and throw away my other pillows.   I’ll have to say good bye to my English teaching Wonder Woman dream.

mixed feeling 「複雑な気持ち」

I have a mixed feeling about that dream.  (あの夢については複雑な気持ちだ。)

slept over 「泊まる」

I went to Kyoto and slept over at my sister’s house.  (京都に行き妹の家に泊まった。)


Sunday, December  “Things I sometimes do on Sundays”

On Sundays, I often go to a bookstore in Sakae.  The one I go to is usually Maruzen because they have the best selection of books.  I often look for English teaching books.   There are literally thousands of books.   I’m often amazed at how many books there are on the subject of English.  It’s important for me to keep up with the newest teaching approaches.   This time I bought a book by Yasukochi Tetsuya.  He’s a famous cram school teacher.  He’s on a mission to change the English education of Japan.  Basically, he’s saying that we need to improve the 4 skills of English, speaking, listening, reading and writing.  In Japanese English education, only 2 skills have been the focus.  I agree with him that it’s necessary to learn all 4 skills.  

Another thing I do on Sunday is to go to my favorite supermarket.  It’s called Kitschet Bio.  It’s on Hisaya Dori north of TV tower.  A lot of the products there are organic and chemical free.  I usually buy vegetables and fruits there but they are all pretty expensive.  These days, I’ve been eating fruits for breakfast.  Actually, I stopped fasting in the morning because I read it’s actually bad for you!!  I had been doing for 2 years!!  Who knows what’s good for you or not.  I guess we just have to go with our gut instinct.  Anyway, I had a pretty good Sunday. 

literally 「文字通り」

There are literally thousands of books.  (文字通り、何千冊も本がある。)

cram school 「塾」

He’s a famous cram school teacher.  (彼は有名な塾の先生だ。)

who knows 「誰も知ることができない」

Who knows what’s good for you or not.  (何が健康に良いかは本当は分からない。)

gut instincts 「直感」

We just have to go with our gut instincts.  (自分の直感を信じるしかない。)







