サイトアイコン コーチング付きオンライン英会話

英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第30回:1月22日 ~ 1月28日)

Monday, January 23

It seems like a lot of people are catching a cold or flu these days.  Fortunately, I have not caught anything the last 5 years.  Actually, I have never had the flu my entire life.  The funny thing is I’ve never even had a flu shot.  Maybe, I had a flu shot when I was really little but I don’t remember it.  I’m a little suspicious of flu shots and Western medicine in general.  I try not to take any medicine if I can.  

I’m also suspicious of the food that we eat.  I think a lot of foods that we eat have chemicals in it that are bad for us.  A long time ago, I didn’t know this and I used to eat convenience store food every day.  I remember I often felt sick at that time.  I can’t prove that these chemicals are bad for you but it’s just a gut feeling.

I’m contradicting myself right now though because I love eating junk food.  I know junk food has a lot of bad chemicals in it.  But still, I love potato chips.  I can’t help it! I’m addicted to eating it!  

flu 「インフルエンザ」

flu shot 「予防接種」

entire 「全部、全体の」

even 「〜でさえも」

suspicious 「疑い深い」

in general 「一般に」

prove 「証明する」

gut feeling 「直感」

contradict 「矛盾」

I can’t help it. 「しかたがない、どうしようもない、我慢できない。」

I’m addicted to it. 「中毒になっている」


Wednesday, January 24th

It snowed a lot today.  The snow reminded me of something: insurance.  You might be thinking, “what are you talking about?”  Well, I sometimes ride my bike even on snowy days.  I know it’s dangerous, but sometimes riding my bicycle is the fastest way to get to my destination.  In my life, I’ve fallen off my bicycle several times and I’ve also hit something couple of times.  Fortunately, I’ve never hit anyone.  But you never know; I might hit someone tomorrow or next week or never.   That’s why people get insured, right?  Insurance is there just in case something bad happens.  I decided to sign up for insurance as soon as I got home.  Actually, I found out that I could not sign up online so I asked the insurance company to send me the sign-up form.  I hope I don’t hit anyone before I get insured.  Now, I’m starting to get paranoid.  Maybe I should walk until I get insured.

insurance 「保険」

destination 「目的地」

fallen off 「~から落ちる」

just in case 「念のため」

sign up 「申し込む」

form 「申込書」

paranoid 「考えすぎて不安になる」


Sunday, January 28th

The day before yesterday I got the forms for the insurance.  I hate filling out forms because it’s really complicated and confusing, especially insurance forms!  They write things in such small letters that you can’t read it.  Even if you read it, it doesn’t make sense!  I can’t stand it!  I gave up reading and just filled it out.  There were couple of parts I did not know how to fill out so I decided to ask my friend.  She’s actually a professional insurance salesperson.  I texted her and she texted me right away.  She gave me a clear answer that I was able to understand.  Then, she said, “don’t you have insurance for your apartment?”  I told her I certainly did.  She told me that my home insurance usually covers for personal liability coverage (個人賠償責任補償).  I took out my home insurance paper and there it was!!  I have been covered after all!!  It was pointless for me to get the insurance form and try to figure out how to write it!  Oh well, that was a waste of time.  I’m just glad I have a friend who can tell me these things.  

fill out a from 「用紙を記入する。」

complicated  「複雑」

confusing 「わかりにくい」

It doesn’t make sense. 「意味不明」

I can’t stand it. 「もう嫌だ」

couple of parts 「何箇所」

cover 「保険が適用する」「保険がかかっている」

there it was 「そこにあった」

after all 「結局は」

pointless 「無意味な」

figure out 「理解しようとする」

a waste of time 「時間の無駄」




