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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第31回:1月29日 ~ 2月4日)

Monday, January 29th   “trouble sleeping”

Couple times a month, I have trouble sleeping.  I hate staying up because the next day is ruined.  Recently, I read an article that said if you write a to-do list before you go to bed you can sleep faster.  They tested 57 men and women.  Half of them wrote a to-do list and the other half did not write it.  The ones who wrote a to-do list slept faster than the ones who didn’t write it.  I think many working people have so many things to do that when they get into bed, they have a lot on their minds.  By writing a to-do list, they are able to forget about everything before they go to bed.  

I thought it was a good idea so I decided to try it last night.  I started writing it but I kept writing and writing and I could not stop.  I came up with some good ideas and I became more excited.  I stayed up an extra hour because I could not calm down.  I guess to-do list works for some people but it does not work for me at all!! 

couple times  「2~3回」

have trouble 「 困る」

ruined  「台無し」

article  「記事」

on their minds  「心を悩ましている」

came up with 「思いつく」

calm down  「落ち着く」


Wednesday, January 31st  “Earthenware pot”

Some of you know from my past journals that I only eat Bento on weekdays.  It’s a special type of Bento called Anshin Bento.  It’s chemical free so it’s good for my body.  However, sometimes I feel like eating something else.  On Wednesday, when I don’t have a night class, I sometimes eat something different.  One student told me about Miso Nikomi Udon that you can make easily.  I decided to buy it and give it a try.  I was able to make it quick and it tasted really good!  I thought about the last time I ate Miso Nikomi Udon and I realized it’s been a while.  

This time I cooked Miso Nikomi Udon in a small saucepan but I’m thinking about getting an earthenware pot so I can enjoy my Miso Nikomi even more!!

give it a try 「試してみよう」

realized 「気づいた」

It’s been a while. 「久しぶり」

earthenware pot 「土鍋」

even more 「さらにいっそう」


Sunday, February 4th

These days the battery of my cell phone dies really quickly.  It used to last a whole day but now it can only last half a day.  I have to charge it regularly which is a real pain in the neck for me.  I guess I’ll have to replace my cell phone soon with a new one.  

We live surrounded by technology and we can’t live without cell phones or computers. I feel they are almost as important as the parts of our body, like our arms, legs, and eyes.  Sometimes I wish my body was half machine.  If the parts got old or it did not work well anymore, I would replace it.  I would say, check out my new long and sexy Channel legs. Or check out my new eyes, they are from Cartier and they are really shiny!

I’m sure in the far future, this would become a reality.  I just hope that it’s in my lifetime.  I also hope that I could afford high-quality parts.  I pray I don’t have to buy my body parts at a 100 yen Daiso Store.

pain in the neck 「面倒」

surrounded 「囲まれる」

as important as 「同じぐらい大切」

lifetime 「生存期間」

afford 「お金に余裕がある」

