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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第47回: 6月4日〜6月10日)

Monday, June 4th  “Straberry Jam”

Last Friday, one of my daytime students gave me a jar of starberry jam.  He and his wife are both my students and they are really amazing people.  He’s actually 91 years old but he’s in remarkable health condition.   He’s also really sharp.  He can remember new words better than me.  I’m always amazed how heathy he is.  My goal is to be as healthy as him when I’m 91.   Anyway, they gave me a jar of straberry jam that’s homemade.  When he gave me the straberry jam to me, he said, “it’s chemical free” with a smile.  He knows I don’t like food with chemicals.  

I know in today’s world, you can’t eat anything without some kind of chemicals.   Many of my students think I won’t eat anything with chemicals in it, but don’t get me wrong, I actually love junk food!  I sometimes eat it. If I could eat junk food all the time, I would.   However, I know that junk food makes you fat and it does not make you feel good.  I also want to live as long as my student!  Therefore, I’m going to stick to my chemical free policy!

as healthy as him 「彼と同じぐらい健康」

Don’t get me wrong 「勘違いをしないで」

live as long as my student. 「生徒と同じぐらい長生きする」

stick to 「守る」




Wednesday, June 6th   “Picky People”

Last Saturday, I had a chance to try Philippino food.  I’m not picky with food so I can eat anything.  I went with some Philippino people and they ordered a food called Dinuguan.  This is a traditional Philippino food made from pork intestine and blood.  It’s flavored with vinegar so it’s a bit sour.  My friend told me that even some Philippino people can’t eat it because it has a unique taste.  I said I’ll try it.  Actually, I love all kinds of innards (ほるもん).  Whenever I go to Yakitori restaurant, I order heart, liver, and gizzard (砂肝).   Also one of my favorite restaurants is called Hitosuji Horumon which is an innards specialty restaurant.

When I ate Dinuguan I was surprised how good it was.  When I talked to students about food, I was surprised to hear that many of my students were pretty picky.  Some of my students didn’t like salmon roe, sea urchin, crab innards and even yellow tail!  Those are my favorite Sushi!  I can’t believe some people don’t like it.  They are really missing out!  It’s funny how some people like some foods but can’t stand others.  It doesn’t makese sense to me. 

picky 「好き嫌いがある」

intestine 「腸、内臓」

innards 「ほるもん」

specialty restaurant. 「専門店」

salmon roe 「いくら」

sea urchin 「ウニ」

crab innards 「かにみそ」

yellow tail 「ハマチ」

missing out 「見逃している」


Sunday, May 10th “An apple a day”

Recently, I’ve been eating an apple a day.  I used to buy it at a supermarket but apples can be expensive sometimes.  I started looking for cheaper apples online and I found it on Rakuten.  They were a bit cheaper than the price at the supermarket.  However, these apples are a little damaged.  I don’t really care how it looks as long as they are sweet.  It turned out the apples were sweeter than I expected!  There was one more unexpected thing.  They sent me 30 apples!!!  That’s a lot!!  That’s why, I’ve been eating an apple a day.  Oh, there was one more thing.  I put all the apples in my fridge so I have no room for anything else!  I feel pressured to eat them so I can use my fridge again!

Some people would get sick of eating the same thing every day but I’m strange in that way.  If I like it, I can eat the same thing every day.  Also, there’s a saying “An apple a day keeps the doctors away”.   I’m sure apples have nutrients that are really good for you.  I think I’ll buy another box of apples once I finish eating these.  

as long as 「〜限り」

unexpected thing 「予想外のこと」

nutrients 「栄養」



