サイトアイコン コーチング付きオンライン英会話

英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第59回:9月3日~ 9月9日)

Tuesday, September 4th.   “Is typhoon coming?”

This time of year, we are always bound to have typhoon.  Bad weather is so bad for business.  I’m sure many businesses lose a lot of money because people decide to stay indoors when a typhoon is approaching.  I’ve been in Japan for more than 15 years now and I haven’t really experienced a really big typhoon. They often say that a big one is coming and it turns out it’s not that big after all.  Right now, I’m debating whether I should cancel classes or not.  I’ll wait and see if they issue a warning.  


Wednesday, September 5th.  “Typhoon really came”

Yesterday, I had to cancel my day-time class and part of my night-time class due to the typhoon.  During the typhoon, I was in my room wondering how bad it would be.  Around 6:00 pm, it seemed typhoon had passed so I went to school and started class.  When I went outside, there were some bicycles that toppled over and some small branches on the ground.  I guessed it was not so serious in Naka-ward.  After I finished class, I checked out Facebook and I was shocked at the damages caused in other parts of Japan.  My sister’s family live in Kyoto and her husband posted this picutre up.  A huge tree toppled over from its roots.  It must have been a really strong wind.  I pray for those whose lives were affected by this disater.

Naka ward 




Friday, September 7th.   “Mulukhiya”

Do you know a vegetable called Mulukhiya?  It was my first time to hear of such vegetable.  One of my student gave me this vegetable.  He said I should boil it and eat it.  It’s supposed to be king of vegetables.  The amount of Carotene it has is 4 times more than a spinach!  It’s also supposed to have a lot of Vitamins like B1, B2, B6.  It’s really a super vegetable!  When you boil this vegetable, it becomes really sticky.  I really like sticky food like Natto, and Okura, grated Yam (とろろ).  I did something to make it stickier.  I put in Natto in the vegetable.  It became super sticky.  I ate it with rice.  It was really good.  I felt it gave me a lot of nutrition and energy.  I felt like I can fly to the moon.  It’s probably all in my head but it’s fun to think like that, isn’t it?
