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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ (第84回:3月18日~3月24日)

Monday, March 17th “Son Masayoshi”

One of my favorite business people is Son Masayoshi.  He is intelligent and charismatic.  He’s so good at convincing people that I always listen to the way he speaks. He got 45 billion dollars in 45 minutes when he convinced the prince of Saudi Arabia.  Wow!

Did you know that  Softbank’s main business is an investment company now?  It’s called a Vision Fund.  It is the biggest fund in the world!!  He believes that AI will become smarter than a human.  So he’s investing all the money in companies that will achieve that.  It’s true that AI in a sense is already smarter than us but I wonder when AI will go beyond humans?  Son-san says it will be in less than 30 years. 

convincing 説得


This is my favorite Son’s talk.   志高く!  Have your own vision!


Sunday, March 24th  “14th Text” 

I just got the text that I got printed.   The cover has a picture of cherry blossoms on it.  I think it looks really nice.  This is the 14th book that I’ve created.  Since I make texts every six months, it means I’ve been making texts for 7 years.  I try to make it better every time.  In the last few years, I’ve focused on words that I feel is used a lot.  I try to introduce it repeatedly because that’s the way we learn.  Actually, last year there was a school that wanted to use my text but I turned it down.   Also, Some students wanted to buy it for their friends but I have to turn that down from now on as well.  I’m glad that some people are interested in my texts. That said, from now on I’m only going to allow only Willton and Master students to have access to my texts.   I’ll keep on improving my text so it’s unique and one of a kind.   

turn it down  断る

one of a kind  独自の

that said  とは言え

