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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ (第117回10月2日)

Wednesday, October 2nd.    “Free Yoga videos”

One of my students is trying to be a Yoga instructor.  Actually, she’s now in India training to become an instructor.  I wish her the best of luck.  She actually started the @Line group to promote her service.  The name of the @Line group is called “Yurie Yoga Consulting”.  

She provides free online videos that show you how to do the Yoga poses.  Anyone who’s interested in doing Yoga at home, I highly recommend it.  

I admire people who’re trying to start their own business. I want to help her as much as I can.   If you are any way interested, please sign up.

Here’s her info.







