サイトアイコン コーチング付きオンライン英会話

秋が旬の食べ物を英語で紹介(fall/autumn) food




今日は日本の秋に食べる旬の食べ物を英語で紹介します。まず、旬の食べ物を英語でseasonal food と言います。秋の食べ物を(fall/autumn) food と言います。

1. Pacific Saury – 秋刀魚

2. chestnut – 栗

3. sweet potato – さつま芋

4. Matsutake – 松茸 (英語もMatsutakeと言います。)

5. persimmon – 柿

6. pear – 梨




Sunday, November 13th.  “Seasonal Food”

When I first came to Japan, I never paid attention to the certain seasonal food that people eat here.  However, I first noticed there is a lot of good food in the fall.  I come to like all kinds of seasonal foods.  Especially, Saury is really good.  These days I heard that the price of saury is going up but I just saw Saury being sold at 100 yen per fish.  

All I need is a Shichirin (small grill).  I found it on Amazon really cheaply.  I’ve seen in old movies people cooking Saury outside their home with a Shichirin but I’ve never seen anyone doing that now.  I wonder if I’ll get in trouble if I did that on my balcony?  If so, I’ll just go to a big park and do it.  I really want to do this.  I’ll write a blog about it if I do.  

saury – 秋刀魚

seasonal food – 季節の食べ物


