サイトアイコン コーチング付きオンライン英会話

新しい買い物を英会話で話す (英会話日記第168回2月20日)


Thursday, February 20th.  “New Chair”

A chair I’ve used for over 5 years was torn.  It was about time to change the chair because I was actually very unhappy with this office chair.  When I sat for a long time my joints started to hurt. 

I looked for a chair that could solve this problem.  There were 3 outstanding office chairs.  They are Herman Miller, Ergonomic, and Okamura.  The problem is that all these chairs cost around 100,000 yen.  It was too pricey for me.

I kept looking and found one called Hbada.  It’s made in China and relatively cheap.  I ordered it on amazon and had it delivered to my house.  So far, I’m happy with it.  I have to sit on it for many hours to know if it’s really good.  I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.  Someday, I want to sit in a really pricey comfy chair.  If I did, I would never get up from that chair. 



torn – 破れる

about time to – それそれ〜する時期

outstanding – 素晴らしい

relatively – 比較的に

had it delivered – 郵送してもらった

wait and see – 様子を見る





探し続けてHbada と言う椅子を見つけました。中国産で比較的に安かったです。アマゾンで注文して家に送ってもらいました。今の所満足をしています。長時間座ってみないと本当にいいかわかりません。まあ、様子を見るしかないです。いつか高い椅子に座りたいです。もし買えたら、二度と椅子から離れないでしょう。

