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英会話でレストランについて話す (英会話日記第170回2月25日)

Tuesday, February 25th.  “The best steak for the price”

The steak I just had was the best value for the price.  I had steak at a restaurant just right around the corner of my school.  It’s called Yappari steak.  The quality of the steak was much better than I thought.  To tell you the truth, it was better than Ikinari Steak.  On top of that, you get all you can eat rice, cabbage, Macaroni salad, and soup.  You can’t ask for more.  

You would not believe the price!  It’s only 1000 yen!  Can you believe it?  I don’t know how they pull that off.  Anyway, you gotta try it. 



for the price – 値段に対して

around the corner – 角を曲がったところ

better than I thought – 思った以上に良かった

To tell you the truth – 本当のことを言うと

on top of that – 更に

pull that off – それを成し遂げる




値段が信じれません。たった1000円です。信じれますか? どうやってそれを成し遂げているかが謎です。とりあえず、試してください。
