サイトアイコン コーチング付きオンライン英会話

英会話で健康について話す。 (英会話日記第172回3月8日)


Monday, March 8th.  “The problem that didn’t go away”



Right now, I’m on a mission to lower my blood pressure.  Last year I thought I was able to deal with this problem.  I completely thought that it went away.  I let my guard down.  Since the beginning of the year, my blood pressure became really high.  One reason is that I ate out too much.  I learned my lesson and I’m trying to lower my blood pressure now.  Some students have given me good advice and some even gave me food that will lower my blood pressure. Here are things I’m doing to lower blood pressure. 

1. Sleep a lot. 

2. Moderate exercise like walking

3 Eat the food that will lower blood pressure.  I’ve been eating soybean bean sprout with lemon, fermented soybeans (納豆) with flaxseed oil (亜麻仁オイル), tomato juice, onion soup with the skin, Cacao chocolate, and sardines.  

If this does not cure it, I will go to the doctor.  So far, it had a little effect.  Let’s just wait and see.  




1. 睡眠をたくさん取る。

2. 適度な運動、散歩のような

3. 血圧を下げる食べ物を食べる。レモンを絞った大豆モヤシ、亜麻仁オイルと一緒の納豆、トマトジュース、皮付きの玉ねぎスープ、カカオチョコ、イワシ。


