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英会話で名古屋について話す。 (英会話日記第173回3月10日)


Tuesday, March 10th.  “Sakae reborn”



To tell you the truth, I like Sakae much better than Meieki.  While I was taking a walk today, I discovered something new.  It’s an artistic sign that says Nagoya, and at the back of it you can take a photo of two symbolic architecture of Nagoya; the TV tower and Oasis 21.  I didn’t know at all that they put this sign there.  I’m sure it’s to make Nagoya, particularly Sakae, more Instagrammable.

 As I took a picture, I realized a lot of new buildings are already half-completed along the old central park.  Sakae will definitely be reborn.  I hope a lot of people will come to Sakae.  

There was a building that was being demolished for half a year now.  It’s diagonally across from my school.  It bothered me a lot because it was making so much noise.  Now, it’s just an empty lot.  I wonder what they are going to build there.  It’s going to get noisy again once they start though. Give me a break! But, I guess there’s always a sacrifice you have to make if you want to change. 





半年かけてあるビルが解体されていました。そのビルはちょうど私の学校の斜め反対側にあるビルです。すごく音を立てていたので嫌でした。今はただの更地になっています。何かそこに立つのでしょう? また建設が始まればうるさくなります。いい加減にしてよ!しかし、変化を望むならいつも犠牲は付き物ですね。

