サイトアイコン コーチング付きオンライン英会話

COVID-19の症状を英語で言う (英会話日記第176回4月8日)

Hi everyone!

I found a simple and easy to understand picture.  It shows the different symptoms of Covid-19, flu, cold, and allergies.  As an English student you should learn all the words on this picture.  

Click to make it bigger




1.  symptoms (症状)

2. flu (インフルエンザ) cold (風邪) allergies (花粉症)

3. cough (咳)

4. fever (熱)

5. breathlessness (息切れ)

6. body aches (体が痛い)

7. headches (頭痛)

8. fatigue (疲労、倦怠感)

9 sore throat (喉が痛い)

10. diarhea (下痢)

11. runny nose (鼻水)

12. sneezing  (くしゃみ)

13. watery eyes (涙目)
