名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ



Master Recording for Level 2 Students. (マスター生徒用)


Master English生徒用の音声

1. Hard work and Luck


2. People around you


3. Be supposed to


4. Have trouble with… / Have a knack for…


5.I’m wondering if I should…


6. On and on / Time after time


7. Countries


8. That’s life / There’s a way


9. Strong Feelings


10. Anger and Fear


11. Pulling it off


12. I often say


13. That’s how much I love it


14. It’s been a while




16. Have / Make / Let


17. Get / Make


18. Useful / Useless


19. Unexpected thing


20. Doing things online



21. End of the year


22. Working at a company


23. Looking forward and looking back


24. Growing up


25. About me


26. Taking care of yourself



27.  Winter holiday



28. Sleeping


29.  Particular about something


30. People around you


31. Treating myself and others


32. Health


33. Injuries and cold


34. Working condition


35. Hard on / Easy on


36. Thrifty or Stingy


37.  Crime


38.  Learning


39. Your day


40. Dying to do something


41. Your ability


42. Maturing


43. Favorite places / Travel


44. Me and Japan


45.  How have you changed?


46. Failure


