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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する! 初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第1回: 6月21日~23日、2017)



June 21st.

Today, After I finished class I went to Starbucks and worked.  First 30 min, I got really sleepy.  Hmm, I wonder if I’m sleeping enough.  I tried to wake myself up by drinking coffee.  

The coffee started working and I was completely awake.  I was able to work for about 3 hours.  I’m having a problem, though.  Now, it’s time for me to go to bed but I can’t fall asleep!!




I am awake! (目が覚めているよ。)

The baby’s already asleep. (赤ちゃんはもう寝ているよ。)

日記の文章では、fall asleepと使われています。「眠りに落ちる」という意味です。

I wonder if 「〜かどうか、疑問に思う」

「果たして〜だろうか」、という独り言のような疑問や、確信が持てないことを表現する時に便利なのが“I wonder if…” です。

I wonder if のより詳しい説明と練習


June 22nd

One of my students just returned from Hawaii.  She gave me a souvenir from Hawaii.  It is shortbread cookies.  Let me tell you, they taste amazing. They are the best cookies I’ve tasted!!  I have a problem, though.  I love sweets more than anything so I keep eating and eating them.  Every time I eat them, I put on weight.  It’s almost summertime and I want to look good in my bikinis. *)




I put on weight.

または、I gain weight.  と言います。

厳しい言い方は I get fat.  「私は太る」です。



June 23rd

I usually don’t do anything on my days off but I love watching Netflix more than anything.  I especially like the American dramas.  Out of all the dramas I’ve seen, I particularly liked “Breaking Bad” and “House of Cards”. They were amazing dramas.  I stayed up late to watch it.  I just couldn’t stop watching it.  Recently, one student of mine is watching  “Breaking Bad”.  He‘s really into it too.  We often talk about that drama and I enjoy the conversation.

stay up- (夜更かしする)

couldn’t stop watching it- (見ることを止められない)

be into it- (はまっている)

I can’t help と I can’t stop の違い

I can’t help…はついつい始めてしまうことです。

I can’t help eating sweets. 「甘いものをついつい食べ始めてしまう。」

I can’t stop…は始めたものをヤメられないという意味です。

I can’t stop watching the drama. 「ドラマを観始めて、ヤメられない。」

