名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ



英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する! 初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第8回: 8月7日 ~ 11日、 2017)


Monday, August 7th

These days I often read my E-reader.  I bought it a year ago and it’s really good for me because I can read it at night in my bed without leaving the light on.  There’s one downside, though.  I can only read books and I can’t read anything online.  It’s also black and white.  Actually, that’s supposed to be better for your eyes but I need something to read things online.

That’s why, today I decided to get a tablet that I can see things online and it’s color.  I got it on Amazon.  Actually, this product is also made by Amazon.  It’s their original product.  You won’t believe how cheap it is!  It’s only ¥7000!!  Well, I was able to get a ¥4000 discount because I have Amazon Prime.  I’m looking forward to getting it.  

leave on [付けっぱなし」

I left the TV on all night.  (テレビを一晩中付けっぱなしにしておいた。)

downside 「不都合な点」

There’s one downside. (一つ欠点がある。)

be supposed to be 「〜らしい」

Black and white display is supposed to better for your eyes.  (白黒のディスプレイの方が目に易し位らしい。)


Tuesday, August 8th

Yesterday, I got a tablet called Fire Kindle by Amazon.  I played around with it when I got home from work.  It was really cheap, less than ¥8000 yen.  Therefore, the quality is not as good as iPad by Apple.  I still like it, though.  The reason why I bought it is to read things online.  I subscribe to New York Times and it was really hard for me to read it on my smartphone.  Now I can see really clearly.  The display was bigger than I thought and it’s also heavier than I thought.  Still, it’s good for me. 

play around 「いじる」

I played around with my new tablet. (新しいタブレットをいじってみた。)

subscribe 「講読」

I subscribe to 2 newspaper. (二つの新聞に講読している。)

Sunday, August 13th

Today was my birthday.  I turned 41.  It’s kind of funny but I don’t feel any different.  I think you are supposed to feel more mature.  Anyway, I had dinner with my girlfriend at a Yakiniku restaurant.  She took me to a new restaurant.  She ordered a course menu.  It started off with tongue and a lot of different types of Kalubee.  Next, seafood dish.  I was already full at this point but came the chicken dish.  I thought I was finally finished but a whole birthday cake came. I need to go on a one week diet!  I had a good time, though.  

turned 「〜歳になる」

I turned 41. (41歳になった。)

mature 「大人っぽい」

You are supposed to feel more mature .(より大人になったと感じるはず。)

started off 「〜から初める」

The meal started off with Tongue.  (タンから食事は初まった。)


