名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ



英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する! 初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。(第12: 9月11日 ~ 17日)







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Monday, September 11th

One of my students gave me this sticker to put behind my ear.  She said it’s effective for frozen shoulder.  My shoulder is getting better but I sometimes wake up at night because it hurts.  When I stretch a little, I feel better and I can go back to sleep.  When you are young, you never really think about your health so seriously but when you are in your 40’s your body clearly changes.  Oh well, there’s nothing you can do.  

I’m just afraid of losing my hair.  Some of my friends are already pretty bald!  Some men say if you worry about it too much you will lose your hair so I try not to think about it too much.  But in class, when I hand out paper and there’s not enough, please don’t say “Hey Shin, Kami ga tarinaiyo”.  I will panic if you say that so please say, “Youshi ga tarinaiyo”.  Haha.

effective 「効果がある」

It’s effective for frozen shoulder. 「それは、四十肩に効果的です。」

There’s nothing you can do. 「しょうがない」

Oh well, there’s nothing you can do. 「まあ、しょうがないっか」

bald 「ハゲ」

Some of my friends are pretty bald.  (友達の何人かは結構ハゲている。)


Wednesday, September 13

From next Monday ~ Wednesday, I’ll be fasting (断食) for my health.  Actually, I also did it last year around the same time.  At that time, I was feeling tired and my former student recommended I try fasting.  Fortunately, he just got his license as a fasting instructor.  I decided to try it.  The result was amazing!  I lost 5 kg and I felt great!  I really detoxed.  Since then, I was able to keep my weight for a year.  I’m also proud of that. It’s been a year so I think it’ll be good that I try it again.  I will be drinking an enzyme drink (酵素ドリンク).  Other than me, there are 5 people that will do it together.  We added each other on Line and we will text each other our progress.  It’s nice to have support from people.  I’ll let you know my progress on this Blog.  

The result 「結果」

The result was amazing. (結果が素晴らしかった。)

Since then 「それ以来」

Since then, I was able to keep my weight for a year. (一年間体重を維持できた。)

added 「加えた」

We added each other on Line and we will text each other.  (ラインで繋がりお互いメッセージを送る。)


Thursday, September 15

Last Saturday, I went to a restaurant right by my class.   Actually, a student  recommended it.  It was really good.  I ordered the Tan tan men with extra noodle.  The restaurant is called Shoan.  You can walk there in less than 5 min.  At night, it’s a Yakiniku restaurant.  When you check out the homepage, it seems like they have really good Yakiniku dish.  The atmosphere is also classy.  Lunch menu is much cheaper so it’s definitely worth going for lunch.   


Sunday, September 17

I’ll be fasting from tomorrow (Monday).  That means I won’t have anything to eat for 3 days straight.  On Saturday and Sunday, I only ate vegetarian food.  It’s a preparation for fasting.  You can’t just stop eating meat and sweets suddenly.  Your body will panic so you have to get it ready.  I really wanted to eat something sweet today but I was able to control myself.  

What I like about fasting is once you do it you won’t be so crazy about eating junk food.  When I did it last year, I probably didn’t feel like eating junk food for six months.  However, after a while, you eventually start eating potato chips.  That’s why, I felt like doing it again.  Please ask me in class,  “Hey Shin, how’s the fasting going?” 

3 days straight  「三日連続で」

I won’t have anything to eat for 3 days straight. (三日連続で何も食べない。)

get it ready 「そのために準備する」

You have to get your body ready. (体を準備しなければいけない。)

How’s it going? 「調子はどう?」

How’s fasting going? (ファスティングの調子はどう?)

My dinner on Sunday.


