名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ



英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する! 初心者でも読める日記シリーズ。 (第13: 9月18日~25日)







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Monday, September 18th.

I started my fasting from today.  In the morning, I felt really hungry!  I felt like giving up but somehow I put put with it.  What is really bad is the lesson is all about food and restaurant this week for my day time class!  I have to listen about good restaurants all this week.  When students were talking about it, I kept thinking about food.  🙁

I have two more days to go.  I hope I can put up with it.  Right now, I really want to eat Ramen, though. 

put up with 「我慢をする」

I felt like giving up but somehow I put up with it.  (諦めたい気分だったけどなんとか我慢した。)

What is really bad 「何が悪いかというと、」

What is really bad is the lesson is all about food.  (何が悪いかというとレッスンがみんな食べ物についてだ。)


Wednesday, September 19th

Today is the last day of fasting for me.  It’s funny that I don’t feel hungry at all.  I also feel really refreshed.  When I woke up this morning, I felt really good.  The detox started this morning and I went to the restroom 3 times already.  My weight is the lowest I’ve been.  I don’t want to be too skinny.  I’m like a bean sprout now.  I’ll try to put some weight back on when I finish fasting.  


Thursday, September 22nd

Today, after the lesson my student Taiki did acupuncture for us.  He’s a real professional.  This time I didn’t faint! (Saturday August 19th Journal).  My other student, Daisuke and I got it done.  He’s a young police officer and he works really hard.  He has stiff shoulder.  I have a frozen shoulder.  Taiki carefully put the needles in and after that we felt much better.  This morning when I woke up I didn’t feel any shoulder pain like I usually do.   Thanks Taiki!   We really appreciate it.  

got it done 「やってもらった」

We got it done.  (私たちはやってもらった。)

feel much better 「前より断然よくなった」

We felt much better.  (私たちは断然良くなった。)


Sunday, September 24

When I first came to Japan, I started off working at one of the big schools in Japan.  I had a pretty good experience but I always felt I could provide a better service for the students.  In 2006, I started a small school in my apartment in Shinsakae.  What I liked about my apartment was it had 2 floors.  Therefore, I used the first floor for my classroom and 2nd floor for my room.  When I first started, I only had about 20 students.  It was small but I enjoyed it.

 I often had parties at my apartment.  Many students would come with their friends and we talked, laughed and drank.  One party, there were 50 people in my small apartment.  It was really noisy.  Late at night, someone rang the door bell.  I thought it was another student but when I opened the door there were three police officers standing.  They said someone complained about the noise.  Actually, there’s a cute tiny old woman living under my apartment.  She’s always nice to me and we say hi when we meet but I’ve always thought it was her who called the police.  Since that party, the police came every time telling me that someone complained.  I think that maybe she wanted to come to the party and she was angry that she was not invited.  I regret not inviting her.  

What I liked about my apartment was… 「アパートの何が好きだったかというと、」

What I liked about my apartment was it had 2 floors. (アパートの何が好きだったかというと、2階建てだった。)

rang 「鳴らす」

Someone rang the door bell.  (誰かが玄関のベルを鳴らした。)

Complain 「文句を言う・クレームを言う」

Someone complained about the noise.  (誰かが騒音にクレームを言った。)

regret 「後悔する」

I regret not inviting her.   (彼女を誘わなかったことを後悔している。)

