名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ





Monday, November 27th   “Jackie Chan English”

I always enjoy watching Jackie Chan’s movies and his interviews.  They are always entertaining.  I think he really understands how to entertain people.  When he speaks English, he doesn’t mind too much about making mistakes.  He doesn’t try at all to sound like a good English speaker.  Even though his English is not so good, he can communicate really well.  Please enjoy his interview.  



Tuesday, November 29th

Last Sunday I woke up early and went jogging.  It’s been a month since I last went.  I ran for about an hour.  These days I jog slowly.  When I was young, I used to push myself, but I hate doing that now.   I feel I’m getting older when all the young people pass me while I’m jogging.  Sometimes, even an older ladies pass me. 🙂   They are fit!! 

When I jog, I like to listen to music.  I listen to music that I used to listen when I was in high school.  It brings back good memories.  I also think about problems that I have at work or in life.  Surprisingly, I often come up with good ideas.  I think it’s because fresh oxygen is carried to my brain.  

On Sunday night, I went to bed and slept well.  I don’t know why but I often wake up once during my sleep.  I felt jogging is great for helping me sleep.  I should try to do it more often.  

It’s been a month since I last went.  「一ヵ月ぶりに走りに行った」

push myself 「自分を追い込む」

When I was young, I used to push myself.  (若い時は自分を限界まで追い込んだ。)

It brings back good memories.  「思い出す」「懐かしい」

come up with 「思いつく」

I often come up with good ideas.  よくいいアイデアを思いつく。


Wednesday, November 29th

It’s almost the end of the year, and I’m sure you all have many things to do.  One of the things that I have to do is change my organizer.  I’ve been using the same brand and style for the last four years now.  I like the style because it’s easy to use, but there’s one thing I don’t like about it.  At the end of the year, the edges start to tear.   I’d like to get a nice leather cover for it this year.  If I have a cover, I don’t have to worry about it tearing.  I could also use it every year.  

I also carry with me a lot of notebooks.  I use one up every month.  Sometimes, I forget either my organizer or notebook.  I thought about carrying one big system organizer, but the problem is it’s really heavy to carry.  It’s also a pain in the neck to buy refills and replace it.  I don’t know why but the system organizer charges a lot of money for the refills too.  

I guess I’m still searching for the best way to keep everything organized.  If you have any good ideas, let me know.   

organizer 「手帳」

I have to change my organizer. (手帳を変えなければいけない。)

tear 「破れる」

The edges start to tear. (角が破れる)

use on up

I use one up every month. (一冊を一月で使い切る。)


Friday, December 1st

One of my students wrote about a YouTube video that she saw in her journal.  It was inspiring and touching so I would like to share it with you.

It’s a story of a young man who experienced war but by the love of a stranger found peace and love.  

The story of Emanuel.

He was asked, “How old are you?” by a judge and he said, “I’m not exactly sure……”

“When I was originally found in Iraq in an orphanage, my mom found me, I was born with no birth certificate, no passport, nothing.”  

“My story is I was born in the middle of a war zone.  My brother and I were found by nuns in a box in a park, in a shoe box.  They brought me to an orphanage.” 

we would hear shots and noises that we didn’t understand.”

“It was like looking at an angel when mum, Moira Kelly walked through the orphanage door.”

“She brought us both to Australia for surgery originally and then .. sort of mum fell in love with both of us.”

“My hero would have to be my mother.”

“She worked very, very hard, extremely hard to change my life hugely.”

“You know, some people would say I was a man without an identity but with my mother and with my brother. I believe that I can do this, you know.”

“Imagine” by John Lennon.

Imagine there’s no heaven.
It’s easy if you try
no hell below us
above us only sky.
Imagine all the people
living for today.
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to live or die for
and no religion too.
Imagine all the people
living life in peace.
You may say I’m a dreamer
but I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
and the world will be as one.



