名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ





Monday, April 23   “Meditation”

Recently, I often hear about Meditation and the health benefits it has.  I did some research on it and here’s what I found out:

1.  It helps your memory.  

2. It reduces your stress.

3. It helps you sleep better.

4. It can decrease blood pressure

The good thing about mediation is you can do it anywhere.  You don’t need any money or equipment.  Also, the way to do it really simple.  You don’t need any special training.  You just need to close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.  Try not to think about anything and focus only on your breathing.  I feel even I can do that.   The duration is up to you but even 5 min can benefit you.  I decided to do it for 10 minutes a day.  I will try to do it every day from today.  I’ll report back to you any changes I’ve felt in my journal.  

meditation 「瞑想」

reduce stress 「ストレスを解消する」

decrease blood pressure   「血圧を下げる」

duration 「期間」

up to you 「あなた次第。」


Wednesday, April 24th   “Google Map”

Have you ever used Google Map?  It’s amazing!  It’s also so convenient.  I use it no matter where I go. 

The thing that I like about Google Map is it tells you exactly how to get to your destination and how long it takes to get there.  It can also work like a car navigation and direct you step by step.  Last time I rented a car I used it by putting it on the dashboard of the car.  I believe it’s much better than a car navigation system.  

Google is updating their system every day to make their services better.  On the other hand car navigation system never gets updated.  There’s no question which system is better.  

Did you know that Google is making driverless cars now?  I heard from a student that just came back from New York that he saw a lot of driverless cars in New York!  It will not be so far in the future that we will be in a driverless car.  Actually, it will be Google’s AI that will be driving us to our destination.   I’m amazed at how fast technology is developing.  This driverless technology won’t apply to me so much because I’ll probably be riding my bicycle even if they build flying cars.  

No matter where  「どこであろうとも」

destination 「目的地」

direct 「指導する」

Step by step 「段階的に」

There’s no question 「疑う余地がはない」

apply 「当てはまる」


Saturday, April 28th   “Marie Kondo”

3 years ago, I read a book that changed my life.   The title is called, “Life-changing magic of tidying up” (「人生がときめく片付けの魔法」).   It’s written by Marie Kondo and her ideas went global.  The main reason why she became so popular was her ideas were really simple and easy to apply in your life.  I’m sure you’ve heard of her and her book.   I was so impressed by her book I often talk about her in my class.  I think she is also a genius at using words that are so simple and easy to understand.  Here are some of her words. 

「ときめき」 spark joy.

「片付けは祭りだ、何回もするものではない。」Tidying up is like a festival. You don’t have to do it many times.

「服が自立するように畳む」fold your clothes so it stands upright. 

When I applied her ideas in my life, my room has remained cleaned for 3 years straight!  It’s amazing how her ideas can be so effective.  I really look up to her because she was able to communicate ideas that everyone had trouble with and made it so simple and easy.  I wish I could communicate like her when I teach English to my students.  

Check her out when she talked at Google.  

tidy up 「片付ける」

apply 「応用する」

effective 「効果的」


Here’s how my socks organization looks even today.



