名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ





Monday, May 21st     “Cash Back”

On Saturday, I went to Yamada Denki to get 30,000 yen cash back.  In October of last year, I signed up for Softbank Wifi service.  They said that setup fee will cost 30,000 yen but I can get cash back 4 months later.  Therefore, the Softbank sales clerk told me the setup fee is free.  I just have to wait 4 months and bring a paper that Softbank will send me to Yamada Denki.  First of all, I thought why couldn’t they just do the setup for free in the first place.  Why do they have to make me wait 4 months and take the trouble to go to Yamada Denki.  Anyway, I went all the way to Yamada Denki on Saturday to get my 30,000 yen.   I went to the counter and they gave me 30,000 yen back right away.  Then the clerk said, “By the way, what cell phone service do you use?”  I told him I use AU and at that time I was determined not to change cell phone service no matter what Softbank said.  

Then the clerk said, “We can give you 30,000 yen today if you change service today.  This special deal is only for today”.  My strong determination went bye bye.  If I included today’s cash back, I’ll be 60,000 yen richer!!  I said, “sign me up!!”   

Unfortunately, this is not the end of the story.  I signed all the papers to change over to Softbank and near the end, I had to call AU to cancel my account.  When I called AU, the operator said something unbelievable.   He said, if you stay with us and buy a new phone we can give you 25,000 yen cash back!  I thought I was doing something smart by changing services but actually, I was only benefiting only 5000 yen.  On top of that, I had to go through the trouble which took an hour and a half to sign up with Softbank.  What a waste of time!    I often feel what the hell am I doing??

sign up 「申し込む」

take the trouble to  「〜をわざわざする」

went all the way to 「〜へわざわざ行く」

determined 「強い意志」

went bye bye 「消えた」

benefiting 「得する」

go through the trouble 「わざわざ面倒なことをする」


Wednesday, May 23rd    “Are Microwaves Dangerous?”

One of my students told me something shocking the other day.  She said the electromagnetic waves used by microwaves can be dangerous if used all the time.  Actually, I use the microwave to heat my Bento twice a day.  Basically, I don’t cook so I microwave everything.  I started to worry about the long-term effect of using the microwave regularly.    

I looked it up online and a lot of sites say that it can be dangerous but they don’t have any actual proof of people getting sick because of microwaves.   However, there was research that showed food turning into cancer-causing substances.  I wouldn’t be scared of microwaves if I used it only several times a week.  However, I use it several times a day.   If I used it that way for 10 years, there might be some bad things from it.  That’s what I’m worried about.  You might think that I worry too much but it’s better to be careful than be sorry.  From today, I’ll be eating room temperature bento.  Life is never easy.  

electromagnetic waves   「電磁波」

long-term effect  「長期的影響」

actual proof 「実際の証拠」

cancer-causing substance 「発ガン性のもの」

you might think that  「〜と思うかもしれない」

room temperature 「室温」


Saturday, May 26th  “Vincennes Deux”

Let me tell you about one of my favorite cafes.  It’s called “Vincennes Deux” ( ヴァンサヌドゥ).  The reason why I like this cafe is the apple pie that they serve.  It’s the best ever!  They start to bake the apple pie when you order it so it takes a while but it’s worth the wait.  It’s topped with vanila ice cream and whip cream.   It’s 100% pleasure.  

Actually, one of my favorite foods is pies.    I love blue berry pie, cherry pie, lemon pie and of course apple pie. Sadly, there’s no store that specialized in pies in Nagoya.   Actually, there’s a restaurant in Tokyo that specializes pie.  It’s called Anna Millers.  Here’s the link → http://www.annamillersrestaurant.jp/index.html

I’m jealous of Tokyo because they get all the good restaurants and stores.  How come they don’t make one in Nagoya??  It makes me angry.  I might have to move my whole school because I want to eat Pies.  Can you please move to Tokyo with me if I move my school?  Onegaishimasu  😁 😄


