名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ



英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ (第71回:12月10日 ~ 12月16日)


Monday, December 10th   “Osso Brazil in Osu”

I’m not really into Christmas because I’m not Christian.  It may seem strange to say that in Japan because Christmas is not about Christianity at all in Japan.  However, there’s one thing I do every Christmas eve.  That is to eat a whole roasted chicken that I buy from a store in Osu.  The restaurant is called “Osso Brazil”.  I make a reservation before Christmas to make sure I get it.  I just called right now and a lady answered.  The funny thing about this place is the person who answers the phone doesn’t speak Japanese very well.  I asked, “Can I reserve one roasted chicken for Christmas and she said,「来週、あるが。」.  I think Brazillian’s speak Portuguese so I wondered if a lot of Portuguese have the sound 「が」in it.  I know one Portuguese, “ObriGAdo“.  I’m assuming there are many GA sounds.  

Portuguese  ポルトガル語




Wednesday, December 12th  “Book Off”

If you are like me and buy books a lot, you should definitely take advantage of Book Off Online. 

I’m sure you’ve been to the store version of book off.  I don’t really like it because you can never find what you want. 

Here’s the way, I buy books.  First, I make a list of all the books I want to read.  Next, I search them on Book Off online.  I can usually find 60% of what I want there. 

The rest that I can’t find I go to Amazon and order it.  The saving that you get from Book Off is really big.  Some books are just 200 ~500 yen.  If you bought it brand new, It would cost over 1000 yen.  

When I buy books at Book Off online, I buy 10 or more books at once.  I think Book Off is an amazing service.  Don’t you?



Friday, December 14th.   “Cashless Society”

We are headed for a cashless society.  As some of you already know, China and Korea don’t use cash much.  Everyone’s paying with some kind of digital money.  A friend of mine suggested I sign up for Pay Pay.  The company is run by Softbank.  The reason my friend suggested it because they are giving 20% return on any spending of Pay Pay.  You can spend up to 50,000 yen and get 20% back.  In other words, I can get 10,000 yen back!!  That’s a good deal.  

So I signed up for it right away! and guess what happened?!

They ended the campaign!!!  It really pissed me off. Oh, well.  There’s nothing I could do. 

I personally don’t like collecting points because it’s just a pain in the neck.  For example, I used to take out my Sugi member’s card every time I shopped but one day I figured out what kind of discount they were giving me.  I realized it’s only 1%!  That sucks!!  Give me a real discount!!!

digital money  「電子通貨」














