名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ



英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ (第75回:1月14日〜1月20日)


Monday, January 14th, 2019 “Konmari”

As some of you know, I’m a big fan of Marie Kondo, aka “Konmari”.  She has really become famous in America with her simple cleaning method.  Now, She has her own show on Netflix.  I can’t believe it!!  I’m so impressed that she was able to achieve such global recognition.  

In the show, she goes to American homes and helps families tidy up.  Her method is so simple.  Keep things that spark joy and get rid of things that don’t.  This simple idea can really make a huge difference in our lives.  She’s so smart!!

One thing I was disappointed about was the fact that she did not speak English.  She does the show with a translator.  But now, I have a new dream.  I want to be Konmari’s English teacher!   I really wish that would come true for me! 

tidy up – 片付ける



Wednesday, January 14th, 2019    “The best sleep”

I’m always looking for ways to rest well.  I used to buy pretty expensive pillows but 2 years ago I realized the best pillows was a cheap one made by Nitori.  I used it for a year but I feel that it has flattened by the weight of my head.  I felt it’s time to change it.  This time I picked a low resistance pillow.  I’ve tried it for a week and I can rest comfortably with it.  I’m pretty satisfied with it.  

Recently, Nitori products have impressed me.  Last time I wrote about Keisodo (珪藻土) floor mat that was amazing.  Let me tell you that their pillows are really good value as well.  Most pillows are less than 3000 yen, so if they aren’t right for you, you wouldn’t feel too bad about getting a new one.   

There’s another product that’s outstanding.  It’s silverware that conducts heat really well.  In other words, you can cut butter smoothly and scoop ice-cream with ease.  It’s pretty amazing.  The price is affordable as well.  Nitori is really keeping their word of their motto: “more value for your money”. (お値段以上)

It’s time to change it.  変える時期だ。

Keep one’s word. 約束を守る


Sunday, January 20th, 2019   “Nothing to write or say”

Sometimes, students tell me that they have nothing to write in their journal.  I know how what they mean because it’s hard for me to write 3 journals every week.  I’ve done it for 2 years now and you run out of things to say.  

But here’s the thing, you just have to do it.  In order to acquire a skill you sometimes have to do it whether you like it or not.  The best way to get over this problem is to make it a habit to do it.  When it’s a habit, you don’t have to force yourself to do it.  You just do it naturally.  For me, I always keep in mind that I have to write 3 journals on my blog no matter what so I look for journal topics during the week. 

Here’s the thing – つまり、こういうことなんだよ

whether you like it or not – 好きだろうがそうでなかろうが

