名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ



英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ (第82回:3月4日~3月11日)


Monday, March 4.  “Wrong Color!”

I signed the contract for the new building from March 1st.  As soon as I got the key on Friday, I went to check it out.  I took pictures so you know exactly how to enter the building.  First of all, when you enter the building there are stairs leading to the elevator.  You’ll see the elevator on the left.  Please get on the elevator and push the 5th floor.  Once you reach the 5th floor, you’ll see a paper with the school name.  It will say “Willton” and “Master English”.  The door will be on the right side.  There’s a doorbell but please don’t push it.  The door will always be open during business hours.  

There was one big mistake by the agent.  I asked for a dark navy blue carpet but they put in purple carpet!!  I called the agent immediately and they told me they will fix it right away.  I was relieved to hear that.  I look forward to studying with you at the new school with navy blue carpet!!


If you are driving, there are two parking lots.  One is right next to the building and the other one is across the street.  The one across the street is cheaper than the one next to the building.  Here are pictures of them. 


Wednesday, March 6th.  “Shawshank Redemption”

Last Saturday, after dinner I started watching Shawshank Redemption again.  It’s one of my favorite movies.   The movie is about a man who was put in prison for 20 years for a crime he didn’t commit.  While he is in prison, he never gives up hope no matter how hard prison life is.  He digs a hole for 20 years to escape from prison.  There’s a scene when he finally escapes prison.  He raises his hands in victory.  I love that scene more than anything.  I think digging the hole is a metaphor of life.  The message is to keep doing what you believe in no matter what.  It might take 10 years or even 20 years but someday you will come out of the tunnel.  You will see the light. 

No matter how hard it is.  たとえどれだけ辛くても

No matter what 何が何でも




Friday, March 8th.  “The Right Color”

Last week, when I checked my new classroom, I found out that they put in the wrong color carpet.  I asked the agency to put in the right color.   They put it in right away so I was relieved.  I just went to check it and the right color was laid out.  Phew!


A student told me really good information that I didn’t know.  There was a parking lot that was really cheap right in front of the new school. The price is at most 700 yen between 8:00 am ~ 8:00 pm.  It’s 200 yen every 30 minutes.  That’s probably the cheapest around here.  Thanks for letting me know!!

