名古屋の英会話スクール | マスターイングリッシュ



英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ (第83回:3月11日~3月17日)


Saturday, March 8th.  “Partnering with a University”

The other day, I met up with a university representative. I’ll most likely partner up with a very big university.  They have 20 different universities around the world.  By partnering up with them, I’ll be able to offer many kinds of classes. I’m really excited about this project.  The courses will first mainly be business related courses.   There will be many more courses I’ll be able to offer.  I’ll be looking at which courses will be good for the Japanese market.  My partnership with them will be a joint venture.  That means the university and I will work on a project together.  I’m psyched!!

I’m psyched – すごく楽しみにしている。




Wednesday, March 13th “Moving”

I’ll be moving to the new classroom on Wednesday, March 20th.  That’s exactly one week from today.   On Thursday, March 21st, I’ll have the first Master Lesson over at the new school.   

In order to move, I called up a moving company to move the furniture.  Guess how much they wanted?!  They wanted 250,000 yen to move across the street.  It’s outrageous, don’t you think?  Plus, it was all booked up anyway.   I came up with another idea.  I thought some of my Master students might be willing to help me move.  Of course, I will pay them for it.  Two students agreed to do it for me.  I was relieved to find a way.  We will all move the furniture on Wednesday of next week.  I hope we can get it done on that day!  Wish us luck!.

Guess how much they wanted?! いくら要求したと思う?

Outrageous とんでもない



Saturday, March 17th “Autophagy (オートファジー)” 

I’ve been interested in “autophagy”.   This was introduced by a doctor Yoshinori Ohsumi who won the Nobel prize for this discovery in 2016.   Autophagy means “eat oneself”.  Basically, it means that the process of recycling bad cells into healthy cells.  We all want healthy cells, don’t we?  If we have healthy cells we look more fit and have more energy.  Autophagy can do this.  The question is how can we turn on autophagy?  It’s very easy!  Just increase the time you are not eating.  In other words, have dinner early.  Probably it’s best before 6 pm and don’t eat anything until 8:00 am the next morning.  That means you keep your stomach empty for 14 hours.  Your autophagy will be turned on!!!  I’m giving it a shot!  Please watch the YOUTUBE channel.  I put one in English and Japanese. 

English site YOUTUBE

Japanese YOUTUBE



