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英語の日記をつければ英会話は上達する!初心者でも読める日記シリーズ (第100回: 7月8日 ~ 7月14日)

Monday, July 8th.   “100 Journal Entry and 101 Grammar Point”

This is the 100th Journal entry!!!  I’m proud of myself.  😬✊

I think I work hard and I’m a good teacher.  (I’m starting to sound like Trump. He loves bragging about himself. Someone should stop me.)  🤮

I also finished 101 grammar points.  Those are all the grammar points I would like to teach students.  Some students requested a printed version.  I’ll get it ready someday but please give me sometime.  I need to get it ready. 

101 grammar point

無料で厳選英語文法が学べる!! [これで完璧!]

Actually, I’ll constantly revise 101 grammar points and the texts that I make.  I try to make it easier for you to understand.  I’ll keep getting better and better.  💪  Thank you all for taking my lessons.  You make me want to be a better teacher. ☺️

brag – 自慢する

get it ready – 準備する

constantly – 常に



Thursday, July 12th  “Calling up Ministry of Education”

This whole week I was reseaching things.  I wanted to know how many people go abroad to study at a university.  I searched online for hours.  I even called Ministry of Education.  The guy who answered the phone first sounded unwilling to help me.  However, once he started explaining he became so passionate.  We ended up talking for about 20 min.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the information I was searching for.  

What I wanted to find out was the number of Japanese students who graduated from American 4 year universtiy.  I finally found something.  Basically the number is less than 2000 people.  

There are around 550,000 people graduating from Japanese universities.  Therefore if you graduate from an American university you  belong to less than 1% of a special group.  

I want to use this data to sell the American University in Thailand.  It’s a new project I’ve started.  I’m passionate about sending young Japanese people abroad so they can have global mindset.  I want to say you should become the special 1%!  

Ministry of education – 文部省

unwilling – する気がない

passionate – 情熱的

mindset – 思考


Saturday, July 13th. “Mosquitoes in the room.”

I’m sure you’ve all experienced a mosquitoe in your room flying around right when you are falling asleep. What’s worse is when you wake up because you get bitten and it itches like crazy. It’s so annoying!! You turn on the light to kill the mosquito, but you can’t find it. You eventually give up and turn off the light, but as you are about to fall asleep, you hear it buzzing around your ears again.
Once this happens to you, you are committed to killing the mosquitoes no matter how long it takes. I think it’s really stupid but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. This happened to me two nights in a row. I decided to deal with this problem once and for all. I looked for a product that will kill mosquitoes. I don’t want to use chemical or mosquito coil because they might be bad for your body. I found an LED light that attracts and kills mosquitoes. I’m not sure which one to buy. Once I buy it, I’ll write about it again in my journal.

committed – 誓う

once and for all 今回切りで

mosuito coil – 蚊取線香



